#1 50 things to get me started

#1 – That thing that happened in high school that changed your life forever
Fat Mum Slim‘s 50 things to blog about

So a while ago, I saw a great post on Fat Mum Slim‘s Facebook and blog about the ‘50 things to blog about‘ & it got me thinking. I needed somewhere to start and here I am.

I’d like to say that I would update daily, but generally when I say this – I just don’t. But I will try…

Wow – where to start.. No I lie. I went to a mediocre High School, in a (semi) dodgy area. Nothing wonderful ever happened there, but I survived 5 years of study with all of my teeth intact.

I was never bullied in high school (that I can remember) but I was never one of the ‘popular’ kids. I guess in some ways – I was successfully ignored by many and I don’t mind this. I was a good student, sometimes not the brightest, but I did graduate from year 12 with A’s & B’s with what I like to say is the “Dux of the Dumb Kids” as I got the highest grades of the people who didn’t torture themselves with TEE.

I was never interested in doing TEE, as I was never interested in going to University. Even now, it’s just something that doesn’t interest me. But like any kid in year 8, 9 or 10 – I didn’t have a clue what I wanted to do. So just to make things worse, you get put with a teacher to try & explain what you like & don’t like as you had to suddenly choose the subjects you would take in yr 11 & 12, and hope to god you graduate with the classes you need to go into the career you desire.

So I went into my meeting with no idea, and walked out with a glint of possibility. I have always been an arty person, a drama queen & love reading and although it sounds like I came out of it dreaming of being a stage actor on Broadway in Musicals (which is still a dream I dream constantly) my realisation that I can’t sing too well. My husband (still can’t get used to this) would argue that I can’t sing AT ALL.

No, instead I walked in & said to my teacher Mr MacMillian (if I remember correctly), that I loved art, computers, drama & English. I walked out dreaming of becoming a Graphic Designer.

Luckily I had a Computer Ed teacher who frankly loved me. I’m not too sure if it was my skills at 14/15 or if it was because I was the only girl in the class – but she loved me all the same. She gave me an A. I also had the art teacher who struggled to remember my name, but could remember to call me my sister’s name, who also gave me an A. I took these two subjects & revelled in them. I loved to get my hands dirty making little clay dinosaurs (of which my mum still has in her garden) or photoshopping images & making invites and before I even noticed – two years of my teenage life had passed and it was time to graduate from High School into the Big Bad World.

Luckily I got accepted into my first preference of the Certificate III at the West Australian Institute of Art & Technology (which was just Central TAFE back then, but just made me sound smarter) and although it was what I dreamt of doing, I struggled in that first year. I can’t put my finger on exactly what it was that I struggled with, but I remember distinctly telling my mum I was dropping out. I think it was something to do with the fact that it was a lot of drawing & I just wanted to be on the computer.

Well guess what – I stuck with it through that first year, and the second year, and onto the third year. I won’t say it was easy, and even though the most frequent comment I got from people was ‘Oh you get to colour in all day”, that was not the case. I graduated with an Advance Diploma in Graphic Design with a Major of 3D & Animation.

To cut a long story short as I feel I’m rambling now… I got a job a few month out of TAFE at a Corporate Design Studio. Within 6 months I was promoted to Studio Manager where I was responsible for many of the clients from start to finish. I was there for 2.5 years until I decided it was time to move on. Unfortunately I was unsuccessful in finding a job before I left, but I decided to start my own Freelance Graphic Design Business whilst working FT in a non-design related industry. I was working the mornings doing Freelance and working FT afternoons/nights at my other job. After a long & unhappy year there, I got approached by a friend whose Event Management Company required a Graphic Designer over the busy period for a 3 month contract. I leaped at the opportunity & now, a year later – I am still here, and again – I am happy!

I still do my Freelance on the side & I am so thankful to my clients for their support over the last few years as well as my family & friends for believing in me. One day I would love to have my own boutique studio, but for now – I am enjoying my career and still looking back on that time in year 10 when I did not know what I was going to be..

So although I am completely happy in my career and where I am, I still dream of my name in lights on Broadway. A girl can only dream can’t she?

Check out my website to see some of my Graphic Design work.

Thank you Fat Mum Slim.

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